Java Reference
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System . out . println ( "Calling System.exit(), with f = " + f );
System . exit ( 0 );
The bottom line? There's no guarantee at all on finalizers, but shutdown hooks have pretty
good odds of being run, at least in a standalone application (this will not work in a web ap-
plication, for example). But if you want to be sure, just write a method of your own and call
Using Inner Classes
You need to write a private class, or a class to be used in one other class at most.
Use a nonpublic class or an inner class.
A nonpublic class can be written as part of another class's source file, but not inside that
class. An inner class is Java terminology for a class defined inside another class. Inner
classes were first popularized with early Java for use as event handlers for GUI applications
(see Action Handling: Making Buttons Work ) , but they have a much wider application.
Inner classes can, in fact, be constructed in several contexts. An inner class defined as a
member of a class can be instantiated anywhere in that class. An inner class defined inside a
method can be referred to later only in the same method. Inner classes can also be named or
anonymous. A named inner class has a full name that is compiler-dependent; the standard
JVM uses a name like MainClass$InnerClass for the resulting file. An anonymous inner
class, similarly, has a compiler-dependent name; the JVM uses MainClass$1 , MainClass$2 ,
and so on.
These classes cannot be instantiated in any other context; any explicit attempt to refer to, say,
OtherMainClass$InnerClass , is caught at compile time:
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