Java Reference
In-Depth Information
One way of performing application-level cleanup is the runtime method addShut-
downHook() , to which you pass a nonstarted Thread subclass object. If the virtual machine
has a chance , it runs your shutdown hook code as part of JVM termination. This normally
works, but won't happen if the VM was terminated abruptly as by a kill signal on Unix or a
KillProcess on Win32, or the VM aborts due to detecting internal corruption of its data struc-
Program ShutdownDemo shown in Example 8-1 contains both a finalize() method (I told
you not to use those earlier in this chapter) and a shutdown hook. The program normally
exits while holding a reference to the object with the finalize() method. If run with -f as
an argument, it “frees” the object and “forces” a GC run by calling System.gc() ; only in
this case does the finalize() method run. The shutdown hook is run in every case.
Example 8-1. ShutdownDemo
public class
class ShutdownDemo
ShutdownDemo {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Exception {
// Create an Object with a finalize() method - Bad idea!
Object f = new
new Object () {
public void
throws Throwable {
System . out . println ( "Running finalize()" );
void finalize () throws
super . finalize ();
// Add a shutdownHook to the JVM
Runtime . getRuntime (). addShutdownHook ( new
new Thread () {
public void
void run () {
System . out . println ( "Running Shutdown Hook" );
// Unless the user puts -f (this-program-specific argument for "free") on
// the command line, call System.exit while holding a reference to
// Object f, which can therefore not be finalized().
iif ( args . length == 1 && args [ 0 ]. equals ( "-f" )) {
f = null
null ;
System . gc ();
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