Java Reference
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tedOperationException if they ever get called. My remove( ) method does this. Note that
UnsupportedOperationException is subclassed from RuntimeException , so it is not re-
quired to be declared or caught.
This code is unrealistic in several ways, but it does show the syntax and demonstrates how
the Iterator interface works. In real code, the Iterator and the data are usually separate
objects (the Iterator might be an inner class from the data store class). Also, you don't
even need to write this code for an array; you can just construct an ArrayList object, copy
the array elements into it, and ask it to provide the Iterator . However, I believe it's worth
showing this simple example of the internals of an Iterator so that you can understand both
how it works and how you could provide one for a more sophisticated data structure, should
the need arise.
The Iterable interface has only one nondefault method, iterator() , which must provide
an Iterator for objects of the given type. Because the ArrayIterator class implements
this as well, we can use an object of type ArrayIterator in a “foreach” loop:
package structure ;
import com.darwinsys.util.ArrayIterator
com.darwinsys.util.ArrayIterator ;
public class
class ArrayIteratorDemo
ArrayIteratorDemo {
private final
static String [] names = {
"rose" , "petunia" , "tulip"
final static
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
ArrayIterator < String > arrayIterator = new
static void
new ArrayIterator <>( names );
// Java 5, 6 way
for ( String s : arrayIterator ) {
System . out . println ( s );
// Java 8 way
arrayIterator . forEach ( s -> System . out . println ( s ));
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