Java Reference
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/** The scrolling list */
protected java . awt . List visList = new
new java . awt . List ();
/** Add one (new) Person to the list, keeping the list sorted. */
protected void
void add ( Person p ) {
String lastName = p . getLastName ();
int i ;
// Find in "i" the position in the list where to insert this person
for ( i = 0 ; i < usrList . size (); i ++)
iif ( lastName . compareTo (( usrList . get ( i )). getLastName ()) <= 0 )
break ; // If we don't break, will insert at end of list.
usrList . add ( i , p );
// Now insert them in the scrolling list, in the same position.
visList . add ( p . getName (), i );
visList . select ( i );
// ensure current
This code uses the String class compareTo(String) routine.
This code uses a linear search, which was fine for the original application, but could get
very slow on large lists (it is O(n) ). You'd need to use hashing or a binary search to find
where to put the values on large lists.
If I were writing this code today, I might well use a TreeSet (which keeps objects in order)
or a TreeMap (which keeps the keys in order and maps from keys to values; the keys would
be the name and the values would be the Person objects). Both insert the objects into a tree
in the correct order, so an Iterator that traverses the tree always returns the objects in sor-
ted order. In addition, they have methods such as headSet() and headMap() , which give a
new Set or Map of objects of the same class, containing the objects lexically before a given
value. The tailSet() and tailMap() methods, similarly, return objects greater than a given
value, and subSet() and subMap() return a range. The first() and last() methods re-
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