Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Preferences class java.util.prefs.Preferences provides an easy-to-use mechan-
ism for storing user customizations in a system-dependent way (which might mean dot files
on Unix, a preferences file on the Mac, or the registry on Windows systems). This class
provides a hierarchical set of nodes representing a user's preferences. Data is stored in the
system-dependent storage format but can also be exported to or imported from an XML
format. Here is a simple demonstration of Preferences :
public class
class PrefsDemo
PrefsDemo {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Exception {
// Setup the Preferences for this application, by class.
Preferences prefs = Preferences . userNodeForPackage ( PrefsDemo . class );
// Retrieve some preferences previously stored, with defaults in case
// this is the first run.
String text = prefs . get ( "textFontName" , "lucida-bright" );
String display = prefs . get ( "displayFontName" , "lucida-blackletter" );
System . out . println ( text );
System . out . println ( display );
// Assume the user chose new preference values: Store them back.
prefs . put ( "textFontName" , "times-roman" );
prefs . put ( "displayFontName" , "helvetica" );
// Toss in a couple more values for the curious who want to look
// at how Preferences values are actually stored.
Preferences child = prefs . node ( "a/b" );
child . putInt ( "meaning" , 42 );
child . putDouble ( "pi" , Math . PI );
// And dump the subtree from our first node on down, in XML.
prefs . exportSubtree ( System . out );
When you run the PrefsDemo program the first time, of course, it doesn't find any settings,
so the calls to preferences.get( ) return the default values:
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