Java Reference
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// Add lots of elements to the list...
l . add ( source . getDate ());
l . add ( source . getDate ());
l . add ( source . getDate ());
int i = 0 ;
Iterator it = l . iterator ();
// Process the data structure using an iterator.
// This part of the code does not know or care
// if the data is an an array, a List, a Vector, or whatever.
while ( it . hasNext ()) {
Object o = it . next ();
System . out . println ( "Element " + i ++ + " = " + o );
To demystify the Iterator and show that it's actually easy to build, you create your own
Iterator in Rolling Your Own Iterator .
Structuring Data in a Linked List
Your data isn't suitable for use in an array.
Write your own data structure(s).
Anybody who's taken Computer Science 101 (or any computer science course) should be fa-
miliar with data structuring, such as linked lists, binary trees, and the like. Though this is not
the place to discuss the details of such things, I'll give a brief illustration of the common
linked list. A linked list is commonly used when you have an unpredictably large number of
data items, you wish to allocate just the right amount of storage, and usually want to access
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