Java Reference
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The “<>” is called the “diamond operator.” Prior to Java 7, the compiler was not smart
enough to apply the type parameter ( BankAccount ) from the declaration to the definition;
you had to repeat the (redundant) statement of the type:
MyStack < BankAccount > theAccounts = new
new MyStack < BankAccount >( );
Note that if you do not provide a specific type, this class defaults to the most general behavi-
or (i.e., type T is treated as java.lang.Object ). So this little collection, like the real ones in
java.util , will behave as they did in the days before Generic Collections—accepting input
arguments of any type, returning java.lang.Object from getter methods, and requiring
downcasting—as their default, backward-compatible behavior. Example 7-3 shows a pro-
gram that creates two instances of MyStack , one specialized for String s and one left gener-
al. The general one, called ms2 , is loaded up with the same two String objects as ms1 but
also includes a Date object. The printing code is now “broken,” because it will throw a
ClassCastException : a Date is not a String . I handle this case specially for pedantic pur-
poses: it is illustrative of the kinds of errors you can get into when using nonparameterized
container classes.
Example 7-3.
public class
class MyStackDemo
MyStackDemo {
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
MyStack < String > ms1 = new
static void
new MyStack <>();
ms1 . push ( "billg" );
ms1 . push ( "scottm" );
while ( ms1 . hasNext ()) {
String name = ms1 . pop ();
System . out . println ( name );
// Old way of using Collections: not type safe.
MyStack ms2 = new
new MyStack ();
ms2 . push ( "billg" );
ms2 . push ( "scottm" );
ms2 . push ( new
new java . util . Date ()); // EXPECT WARNING
// Show that it is broken
try {
String bad = ( String ) ms2 . pop ();
System . err . println ( "Didn't get expected exception, popped " + bad );
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