Java Reference
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// Convert a number of Seconds since the Epoch, to a local date/time
Instant epochSec = Instant . ofEpochSecond ( 1000000000L );
ZoneId zId = ZoneId . systemDefault ();
ZonedDateTime then = ZonedDateTime . ofInstant ( epochSec , zId );
System . out . println ( "The epoch was a billion seconds old on " + then );
// Convert a date/time to Epoch seconds
long epochSecond = ZonedDateTime . now (). toInstant (). getEpochSecond ();
System . out . println ( "Current epoch seconds = " + epochSecond );
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime . now ();
ZonedDateTime there = now . atZone ( ZoneId . of ( "Canada/Pacific" ));
System . out . printf ( "When it's %s here, it's %s in Vancouver%n" ,
now , there );
Parsing Strings into Dates
You need to convert user input into java.time objects.
Use a parse() method.
Many of the date/time classes have a parse() factory method, which tries to parse a string
into an object of that class. For example, LocalDate.parse(String) returns a LocalDate
object for the date given in the input String :
/** Show some date parses */
public class
class DateParse
DateParse {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
String armisticeDate = "1914-11-11" ;
LocalDate aLD = LocalDate . parse ( armisticeDate );
System . out . println ( "Date: " + aLD );
String armisticeDateTime = "1914-11-11T11:11" ;
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