Java Reference
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Use java.lang.Math.random() to generate random numbers. There is no claim that the
random values it returns are very good random numbers, however. This code exercises the
random() method:
// java.lang.Math.random( ) is static, don't need any constructor calls
System . out . println ( "A random from java.lang.Math is " + Math . random ( ));
Note that this method only generates double values. If you need integers, construct a
java.util.Random object and call its nextInt() method; if you pass it an integer value,
this will become the upper bound. Here I generate integers from 1 to 10:
public class
class RandomInt
RandomInt {
public static
void main ( String [] a ) {
Random r = new
static void
new Random ();
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++)
// nextInt(10) goes from 0-9; add 1 for 1-10;
System . out . println ( 1 + r . nextInt ( 10 ));
To see if my RandomInt demo was really working well, I used the Unix tools sort and uniq ,
which together give a count of how many times each value was chosen. For 1,000 integers,
each of 10 values should be chosen about 100 times. I ran it twice to get a better idea of the
$ java numbers.RandomInt | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 2 -n
96 1
107 2
102 3
122 4
99 5
105 6
97 7
96 8
79 9
97 10
$ java -cp build numbers.RandomInt | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 2 -n
86 1
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