Java Reference
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public class
class FormatPlurals
FormatPlurals {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] argv ) {
report ( 0 );
report ( 1 );
report ( 2 );
/** report -- using conditional operator */
public static
int n ) {
System . out . println ( "We used " + n + " item" + ( n == 1 ? "" : "s" ));
static void
void report ( int
Does it work?
$ java numbers.FormatPlurals
We used 0 items
We used 1 item
We used 2 items
The final println statement is effectively equivalent to:
iif ( n == 1 )
System . out . println ( "We used " + n + " item" );
System . out . println ( "We used " + n + " items" );
This is a lot longer, in fact, so the ternary conditional operator is worth learning.
The ChoiceFormat is ideal for this. It is actually capable of much more, but here I'll show
only this simplest use. I specify the values 0, 1, and 2 (or more), and the string values to print
corresponding to each number. The numbers are then formatted according to the range they
fall into:
public class
class FormatPluralsChoice
FormatPluralsChoice extends
extends FormatPlurals {
// ChoiceFormat to just give pluralized word
static double
double [] limits = { 0 , 1 , 2 };
static String [] formats = { "reviews" , "review" , "reviews" };
static ChoiceFormat pluralizedFormat = new
new ChoiceFormat ( limits , formats );
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