Java Reference
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To process a contiguous set of integers, Java provides a for loop. [ 24 ] Loop control for the
for loop is in three parts: initialize, test, and change. If the test part is initially false, the loop
will never be executed, not even once.
For discontinuous ranges of numbers, use a java.util.BitSet .
The following program demonstrates all of these techniques:
public class
class NumSeries
NumSeries {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
// When you want an ordinal list of numbers, use a for loop
// starting at 1.
for ( int
int i = 1 ; i <= months . length ; i ++)
System . out . println ( "Month # " + i );
// When you want a set of array indices, use a for loop
// starting at 0.
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < months . length ; i ++)
System . out . println ( "Month " + months [ i ]);
// For e.g., counting by 3 from 11 to 27, use a for loop
for ( int
int i = 11 ; i <= 27 ; i += 3 ) {
System . out . println ( "i = " + i );
// A discontiguous set of integers, using a BitSet
// Create a BitSet and turn on a couple of bits.
BitSet b = new
new BitSet ();
b . set ( 0 );
// January
b . set ( 3 );
// April
b . set ( 8 );
// September
// Presumably this would be somewhere else in the code.
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < months . length ; i ++) {
iif ( b . get ( i ))
System . out . println ( "Month " + months [ i ]);
// Same example but shorter:
// a discontiguous set of integers, using an array
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