Java Reference
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can never be true. Instead, the methods Float.isNaN(float) and Double.isNaN(double)
must be used:
public static
static void
void main ( String [] argv ) {
double d = 123 ;
double e = 0 ;
iif ( d / e == Double . POSITIVE_INFINITY )
System . out . println ( "Check for POSITIVE_INFINITY works" );
double s = Math . sqrt (- 1 );
iif ( s == Double . NaN )
System . out . println ( "Comparison with NaN incorrectly returns true" );
iif ( Double . isNaN ( s ))
System . out . println ( "Double.isNaN() correctly returns true" );
Note that this, by itself, is not sufficient to ensure that floating-point calculations have been
done with adequate accuracy. For example, the following program demonstrates a contrived
calculation—Heron's formula for the area of a triangle—both in float and in double . The
double values are correct, but the floating-point value comes out as zero due to rounding er-
rors. This happens because, in Java, operations involving only float values are performed as
32-bit calculations. Related languages such as C automatically promote these to double dur-
ing the computation, which can eliminate some loss of accuracy. Let's take a look:
public class
class Heron
Heron {
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
// Sides for triangle in float
static void
float af , bf , cf ;
float sf , areaf ;
// Ditto in double
double ad , bd , cd ;
double sd , aread ;
// Area of triangle in float
af = 12345679.0f ;
bf = 12345678.0f ;
cf = 1.01233995f ;
sf = ( af + bf + cf )/ 2.0f ;
areaf = ( float
float ) Math . sqrt ( sf * ( sf - af ) * ( sf - bf ) * ( sf - cf ));
System . out . println ( "Single precision: " + areaf );
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