Java Reference
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Because the pattern may extend over more than one line, I read the entire web page from the
URL into a single long string using my FileIO.readerToString() method (see Reading a
File into a String ) instead of the more traditional line-at-a-time paradigm. I then plot a graph
using an external program (see Running an External Program from Java ) ; this could (and
should) be changed to use a Java graphics program (see Program: Grapher for some leads).
The complete program is shown in Example 4-10 .
Example 4-10.
public class
class BookRank
BookRank {
public final
final static
static String DATA_FILE = "book.sales" ;
public final
final static
static String GRAPH_FILE = "book.png" ;
public final
final static
static String PLOTTER_PROG = "/usr/local/bin/gnuplot" ;
final static
static String isbn = "0596007019" ;
final static
static String title = "Java Cookbook" ;
/** Grab the sales rank off the web page and log it. */
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Exception {
Properties p = new
new Properties ();
p . load ( new
new FileInputStream (
args . length == 0 ? "" : args [ 1 ]));
String title = p . getProperty ( "title" , "NO TITLE IN PROPERTIES" );
// The url must have the "isbn=" at the very end, or otherwise
// be amenable to being string-catted to, like the default.
String url = p . getProperty ( "url" , "" );
// The 10-digit ISBN for the topic.
String isbn = p . getProperty ( "isbn" , "0000000000" );
// The RE pattern (MUST have ONE capture group for the number)
String pattern = p . getProperty ( "pattern" , "Rank: (\\d+)" );
int rank = getBookRank ( isbn );
System . out . println ( "Rank is " + rank );
// Now try to draw the graph, using external
// plotting program against all historical data.
// Could use gnuplot, R, any other math/graph program.
// Better yet: use one of the Java plotting APIs.
PrintWriter pw = new
new PrintWriter (
new FileWriter ( DATA_FILE , true
true ));
String date = new
new SimpleDateFormat ( "MM dd hh mm ss yyyy " ).
format ( new
new Date ());
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