Java Reference
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System . exit ( 1 );
Pattern patt = Pattern . compile ( args [ 0 ]);
Matcher matcher = patt . matcher ( "" );
String line = null
null ;
while (( line = is . readLine ()) != null
null ) {
matcher . reset ( line );
iif ( matcher . find ()) {
System . out . println ( "MATCH: " + line );
Controlling Case in Regular Expressions
You want to find text regardless of case.
Compile the Pattern passing in the flags argument Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE to indic-
ate that matching should be case-independent (“fold” or ignore differences in case). If your
code might run in different locales (see Chapter 15 ) then you should add Pat-
tern.UNICODE_CASE . Without these flags, the default is normal, case-sensitive matching be-
havior. This flag (and others) are passed to the Pattern.compile() method, as in:
Pattern reCaseInsens = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE |
reCaseInsens.matches(input); // will match case-insensitively
This flag must be passed when you create the Pattern ; because Pattern objects are immut-
able, they cannot be changed once constructed.
The full source code for this example is online as .
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