Java Reference
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Returns the number of parenthesized capture groups, if any; returns 0 if no groups were
group(int i)
Returns the characters matched by group i of the current match, if i is greater than or
equal to zero and less than or equal to the return value of groupCount() . Group 0 is the
entire match, so group(0) (or just group() ) returns the entire portion of the input that
The notion of parentheses or “capture groups” is central to regex processing. Regexes may
be nested to any level of complexity. The group(int) method lets you retrieve the charac-
ters that matched a given parenthesis group. If you haven't used any explicit parens, you can
just treat whatever matched as “level zero.” Example 4-2 shows part of .
Example 4-2. Part of
public class
class REmatch
REmatch {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] argv ) {
String patt = "Q[^u]\\d+\\." ;
Pattern r = Pattern . compile ( patt );
String line = "Order QT300. Now!" ;
Matcher m = r . matcher ( line );
iif ( m . find ()) {
System . out . println ( patt + " matches \"" +
m . group ( 0 ) +
"\" in \"" + line + "\"" );
} else
else {
System . out . println ( "NO MATCH" );
When run, this prints:
Q[\^u]\d+\. matches "QT300." in "Order QT300. Now!"
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