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you start writing a new function to do that, the rest of us will just saunter over to the RegEx
Bar & Grille, order a ^Q[^u]\d+\. . from the bartender, and be on our way.
OK, the [^u] means match any one character that is not the character u . The \d+ means one
or more numeric digits. The + is a quantifier meaning one or more occurrences of what it fol-
lows, and \d is any one numeric digit. So \d+ means a number with one, two, or more digits.
Finally, the \. ? Well, . by itself is a metacharacter. Most single metacharacters are switched
off by preceding them with an escape character. Not the Esc key on your keyboard, of
course. The regex “escape” character is the backslash. Preceding a metacharacter like . with
this escape turns off its special meaning, so we look for a literal period rather than “any char-
acter.” Preceding a few selected alphabetic characters (e.g., n , r , t , s , w ) with escape turns
them into metacharacters. Figure 4-2 shows the Q[ u]\d \..+ regex in action. In the first frame,
I have typed part of the regex as Q[ u and because there is an unclosed square bracket, the
Syntax OK flag is turned off; when I complete the regex, it will be turned back on. In the
second frame, I have finished typing the regex, and typed the data string as QA577 (which
you should expect to match the ^Q[^u]\d+ , but not the period since I haven't typed it). In the
third frame, I've typed the period so the Matches flag is set to Yes.
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