Java Reference
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* entab: process one file, replacing blanks with tabs.
* @param is A BufferedReader opened to the file to be read.
* @param out a PrintWriter to send the output to.
public void
void entab ( BufferedReader is , PrintWriter out ) throws
throws IOException {
String line ;
// main loop: process entire file one line at a time.
while (( line = is . readLine ()) != null
null ) {
out . println ( entabLine ( line ));
* entab: process one file, replacing blanks with tabs.
* @param is A BufferedReader opened to the file to be read.
* @param out A PrintStream to write the output to.
public void
void entab ( BufferedReader is , PrintStream out ) throws
throws IOException {
entab ( is , new
new PrintWriter ( out ));
* entabLine: process one line, replacing blanks with tabs.
* @param line -
* the string to be processed
public String entabLine ( String line ) {
int N = line . length (), outCol = 0 ;
StringBuffer sb = new
new StringBuffer ();
char ch ;
int consumedSpaces = 0 ;
for ( int
int inCol = 0 ; inCol < N ; inCol ++) {
ch = line . charAt ( inCol );
// If we get a space, consume it, don't output it.
// If this takes us to a tab stop, output a tab character.
iif ( ch == ' ' ) {
Debug . println ( "space" , "Got space at " + inCol );
iif (! tabs . isTabStop ( inCol )) {
consumedSpaces ++;
} else
else {
Debug . println ( "tab" , "Got a Tab Stop " + inCol );
sb . append ( '\t' );
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