Java Reference
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System . out . println ( sb2 );
The first method uses the StringBuilder.length() method, so it will only work correctly
when you are starting with an empty StringBuilder . The second method relies on calling
the informational method hasMoreElements() in the Enumeration (or hasNext() in an
Iterator , as discussed in Using Iterators or Enumerations for Data-Independent Access )
more than once on each element. An alternative method, particularly when you aren't start-
ing with an empty builder, would be to use a boolean flag variable to track whether you're at
the beginning of the list.
Processing a String One Character at a Time
You want to process the contents of a string, one character at a time.
Use a for loop and the String 's charAt() method. Or a “for each” loop and the String 's
toCharArray method.
A string's charAt() method retrieves a given character by index number (starting at zero)
from within the String object. To process all the characters in a String , one after another,
use a for loop ranging from zero to String.length()-1 . Here we process all the characters
in a String :
public class
class StrCharAt
StrCharAt {
public static
void main ( String [] av ) {
String a = "A quick bronze fox lept a lazy bovine" ;
static void
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < a . length (); i ++) // Don't use foreach
System . out . println ( "Char " + i + " is " + a . charAt ( i ));
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