Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 19-6:
The normal
map used
This normal map is pretty standard. Overall it's a purplish-
blue color with some bits of red and green in it. All of these
colors actually are normal vector information stored in red,
green, and blue (RGB) format. Let's break it down a bit more.
An image is made up of multiple channels of red, green, blue,
and an extra alpha layer that represents transparency most of
the time. Each of these channels is like a black and white
image. Put them all together and you get your final image.
However, in a normal map these channels store data.
The red channel represents the details captured on the
Figure 19-7:
The red channel
singled out
As you can see, the red channel appears to be the high-poly
model lit from the right. All of the surface's polygons that are
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