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your viewport and pick Hide All Unselected. Now right-click
on your stack and pick Convert To: Editable Poly. This will
give us just our template wall to work with.
Figure 8-10: Template wall shown
Using the Line tool (Create panel > Shapes > Line), snap a
line around the entire interior. The goal is to trace the walls
where trim would be. Obviously trim will not cross a door
frame, so make sure your lines don't cross door frames. You
can create the trim in Perspective view if you want. If you do,
however, you will most likely have to create a spline, then
rotate around your view a bit, create another spline, rotate
again, and so on. In the end you will end up with several
splines that you will need to attach to each other and weld
together. You can do this very quickly, of course, but I'll use
this as an opportunity to show you a neat trick using Max's
2.5-dimensional snapping. Using this technique will make this
process faster and also create a single spline from the
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