Graphics Programs Reference
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Split is a very simple tool and can be great for breaking up one
element into two.
Create a sphere, select a horizontal edge as we've done
before, and hit the Loop button. Now, press the Split button.
At first it doesn't look like it's done much, but click on the top
of your sphere with the Element sub-object button and move
this piece up. As you can see, the Split tool has done just that
— your element is split on the edges you selected.
Figure 3-30: The split sphere with one of the
halves moved upward for clarity
In Vertex mode, Split is called “Break.” Notice when you try
out break on a vertex on your sphere that it doesn't look like
it's done much, just like the Split tool when you break a ver-
tex. All of the new vertices are stacked on top of one another,
so just click on what seems to be that one vertex and move it
up. As you can see, only one polygon's edge came up and
there is a hole in the model now. Keep clicking where the
original vertex was. You should have four vertices total now,
one for each polygon touching this vertex.
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