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the “Field of definition” reserved precisely for selecting the appropriate schema or
schemas for the structural and functional specificity of a sequence (functionally
specialized either in the referential description of a topic, in the description of the
discourse production from a topic, the description of the verbal and audiovisual
expression of a topic, etc.).
Every schema of definition which is selected or merely selectable to furnish
specifications about a sequence is itself part of a library of conceptual schemas of
the universe of discourse of the CCA archives. This library defines generic micro-
configurations either of objectsofanalysis* or of activitiesofanalysis* .
A schema of definition in itself is characterized either by a conceptual term or by
a combination of two or more conceptual terms and/or one or more referents . As we
know, the conceptual terms are part of the meta-lexicon of conceptual terms
representing the ASW domain of expertise. In Part Four of this topic, we shall take a
closer look at the rather complex organization of a model of description in the form
of sequences, schemas, conceptual terms and referents.
5.5. Alternative functional architectures to define sequences of referential
That said, formatting an interactive form as per the model shown in Figure 5.3
represents an important conceptual choice.
Indeed, using such a form obliges the analyst to describe the topical structure
step-by-step , in an analytical manner - specifying each conceptual term which
makes it up, one-by-one. As our example with the extract from the content analysis
form (Chapter 3, Figure 3.2) shows, the analyst first describes freely, in the first sub-
sequence, the conceptual term [Civilization], indexing it with the expression
<Chavín civilization>; then, in the second sub-sequence, he describes the conceptual
term [Cultural construct] in a controlled manner, using a specialized thesaurus.
Figure 5.5, on the other hand, shows the functional architecture of an alternative
model to the one whose interface is shown in Figure 3.2. While it keeps the global
sequence (reserved for the referential description of an audiovisual text) distinct, the
architecture shown in Figure 5.5 reserves:
- the first sub-sequence for the analyst to select the appropriate conceptual
term(s) to define the subject or topic he is attempting to describe in the audiovisual
text that he is analyzing; and
- the second sub-sequence for the procedures of description (free and/or
controlled) perse of the configuration of conceptual terms selected.
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