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Global sequence of referential description
Sub-sequence A reserved for
the description of the CT
Sub-sequence B reserved for
the description of the CT
Figure5.3. Internalorganization(hierarchicalandfunctional)ofareferentialsequence
The choice here is to construct particular sub-sequences for each conceptual term
making up the topical configuration shown in Figure 5.1. In this case, each sub-
sequence would be reserved for the description of a conceptual term.
Let us consider Figure 5.4, which shows an extract from the library of sequences
used to describe the content of the audiovisual texts making up the collection of the
Culture Crossroads Archives (CCA). 2 This library of sequences is defined and
created by a person (or group of people) acting as concept designer ( knowledge
engineer ), whose mission is to develop and manage the metalanguage of description
for analyzing the audiovisual texts and corpora of the CCA archives. This specific
task - which necessarily precedes any work of analysis - is carried out using the
ASWModelingWorkshop* with the help of an xml editor called OntoEditor. 3
The CCA library of sequences is organized into collections of sequences by
major themes or subjects which circumscribe the universe of discourse* of the CCA
archives . For instance, this library contains collections of sequences or isolated
sequences which define the topical structure of themes or subjects such as:
- cultural constructs of a people,
- cultural constructs of a country,
- intangible cultural heritage,
3 OntoEditor is a tool designed and developed at ESCoM by Francis Lemaitre as part of
various R&D projects - both European (particularly the LOGOS project) and French
(particularly the SAPHIR and ASW-HSS projects). Today this tool is used to specify and
create ASW metalinguistic resources which, as previously stated, are made up of: two meta-
lexicons of conceptual terms which represent the objects and the activities of analysis
respectively; a thesaurus comprising a set of facets and several thousand predefined
expressions; blocks of models of description (in the form of functionally specialized schemas
of definition and sequences of description ); models of description ; and, finally, libraries of
modelsofdescription . We shall give a brief presentation of this in Chapter 11.
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