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case, the analyst specifies that we are talking about the <Cordillera Blanca>. In
addition, he can classify the geographical territory in question using a specialized
thesaurus. In our case, he specifies that the Cordillera Blanca is a territory of the
type <Altiplano> (high plateau).
Once the information relating to the geographical location has been furnished,
the analyst can also provide information of a geopolitical and administrative nature:
about the country in question, the province (district, canton, etc. depending on the
terminology used), the commune, etc. (see Chapter 3, Figure 3.4). In our case, the
analyst adds that the administrative-territorial framework needed to locate the
subject in question is the village <Chavín de Huantar> situated in the province of
<Ancash> in <Peru>.
It should be underlined that the analyst is free to add any information necessary
for a spatial (geographic and/or administrative-territorial) localization of the subject.
In order to record a model of description in the ASW system's database of
descriptions [LEM 11a], the only sequence which must be filled in is that reserved
for referential description.
Temporal localization, in turn, can be reduced to as simple a sequence as that
shown in Figure 3.5. This sequence invites the analyst to provide a temporal
localization (of the Chavín civilization ) in terms of centuries. In our case, it is a
period situated roughly between the 7 th and 4 th Centuries B.C. These centuries are
identified (as Figure 3.5 shows) using a microthesaurus specialized in the
enumeration of periods of (human) history in centuries. If the centuries are identified
to localize a knowledge object form a recognized era, the analyst can then provide
the name of that era (see Figure 3.5). There is still a more developed library of
sequences of temporal and historical localization which the analyst can use if need
be (we shall come back to this later, in Chapter 5).
As Figure 4.2 shows, in third position after the sequences for the referential
description and the space-time context, we find the sequence(s) reserved for
discourse analysis of the domain of knowledge in question. To return to our
example developed in Chapter 3, this analysis is concentrated on the two questions
of discursive thematization and the authorial point of view which prevails in the
treatment of the thematized knowledge object (see Figure 3.6). Here, the analyst
specifies that it is (above all) the historical origins of Chavín technical culture
between the 7 th and 4 th Centuries B.C. which are dealt with in the audiovisual text
being analyzed. He also adds that this question of the historical origins is dealt with
by the author both in the form of references to his own research and of references to
the research of other authors. The specialized micro-thesauruses* made available to
the analyst to explicitize the discourse production from the specific topic <technical
culture of the Chavín civilization between the 7 th and 4 th centuries B.C.> constitute
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