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1 st position: Sequence(s) reserved for the
referential description of the audiovisual text
2 nd position: Sequence(s) reserved for the
description of the spatiotemporal context of the
object/domain of knowledge
3 rd position: Sequence(s) reserved for the
description of the discourse production from
the object/domain of knowledge
4 th position: Sequence(s) reserved for the
description of the verbal and/or audiovisual
expression of the object/domain of knowledge
5 th position: Sequence(s) reserved for
reflexive description about the analysis of the
object/domain of knowledge
Figure4.2. Canonicsyntagmaticstructureofamodel
Going back to our example, developed in Chapter 3, it indeed includes two
sequences of geographic localization. The first (Figure 3.3) invites the analyst to
provide information relating to the global location (of the ChavĂ­n civilization), i.e.
relating to the region in question on the American continent. In our particular case,
this is the <Andes Cordillera> in <South America>. If applicable, the analyst can
specify a more circumscribed geographical territory in the region identified. In our
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