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iv) the concrete activity or activities of description which make up a procedure of
Finally, in section 4.5, we shall give a more particular account of the type of
analysis called content analysis (of an audiovisual text or corpus) - a type of
analysis which will serve us as a reference in this topic.
A model of description of the audiovisual content has a structure, a canonic
structural organization which conditions and facilitates the construction of new
models and local modifications to pre-existing models. This canonic organization is
shown in Figure 4.1, and is based around 6 central components:
1) All models of thematic description are made up of one or a small set of
thematically and functionally specialized fields of analysis , including, for instance,
the field of identification and explicitation of a knowledge object thematized in the
audiovisual text, the field of geographical and historical contextualization of the
object being thematized, the field of discourse production from the object being
thematized, etc. (for further information, see Chapter 3).
2) A model of description is made up of conceptual terms (concepts), part of the
meta-lexicon of conceptual terms which forms an essential component of the
metalinguistic system upon which all models of description are ultimately founded
(in our case, the metalinguistic system known as “ASW”, standing for Audiovisual
Semiotic Workshop ). We shall distinguish between two meta-lexicons (two
conceptual vocabularies): a) the meta-lexicon containing the conceptual terms which
represent the objects of analysis of the universe of discourse* ASW, and b) the
meta-lexicon containing the conceptual terms which represent the procedures of
analysis of the textual object. 1
3) A model of description is a hierarchical structure within which we can
distinguish different levels of grouping and integration of conceptual terms. In our
approach, we distinguish two levels - the level of the schemas* of definition of the
conceptual terms, and the level of the sequences* of description of the conceptual
terms: sequence and schema are defined in three ways: as thematic units (they “take
care of” a specific aspect of the object of analysis), functional units (they form part
1 For a more in-depth discussion of the ASW meta-lexicon of conceptual terms, see
Chapters 12, 13 and 14 of this topic.
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