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Then, in section 3.4, we shall see that each sequence which makes up a model of
description forms part of a particular type of sequence answering to a specific field
of analysis. Finally, section 3.5 is given over to a very brief presentation of the
canonic internal organization of a sequence of description. As we shall see, each
sequence is necessarily made up of two types of schemas of definition* - one
defining the objectofanalysis* , the other the procedureofanalysis* .
3.2. Selecting the appropriate model from the library of descriptive models of
To begin with, we shall discuss the concrete example of a model of thematic
description* which we use to carry out an analysis of the content of audiovisual
Take the example of identification and description of audiovisual sources which
speak about Native South American civilizations such as the Aztec civilization, the
Inca civilization, the Chavín civilization or indeed the Mapuche civilization. A
corpus of audiovisual texts dealing with this type of subject is part of the Culture
CrossroadsArchives 1 (CCA).
The CCA archives (like all the other archives created using the ASW working
environment outlined briefly in Chapter 2 of this topic, and in a far more detailed
manner in [STO 11a]) have a library* of models of description of audiovisual
content - a library which defines the metalanguage of description of an archive's
universe of discourse* . In other words, it defines the relevant domains of knowledge
(in accordance with the archive's policy, its mission or missions) of the audiovisual
texts which make up the archive.
In our case, the library of models of description defines the universe of discourse
of the CCA archives. As Figure 3.1 shows, the CCA's library of models of
description of audiovisual content is presented in the form of a structured list of
model titles such as: Intangible cultural heritage , Cultural constructs by country ,
etc. Certain titles refer to collectionsofmodels , others to a specificmodel .
Figure 3.1 shows us that the CCA's library of models of description contains a
specific model entitled Subject “Civilizations in America” . The model in question
forms part of a specialized collection of models of thematic description of
audiovisual corpora dealing with civilizations of the world and their cultural
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