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Figure2.5. Themainsectionsforcarryingoutananalysisofanaudiovisual
2) The Visual Plan and Acoustic Plan sections form what we call the
audiovisualanalysis* of a video or a segment thereof. This involves analyzing the
image staging or sound staging techniques used to represent an object or situation in
a video, shot by shot. This type of analysis is particularly interesting in the context
of building a library of segments classified by types of shots, framing techniques,
visual and/or sound shifts, etc.
3) The Thematic Plan and Discursive Plan sections form what we call the
contentanalysis* of an audiovisual text - analysis of the subjects dealt with, and
how they are dealt with, in an audiovisual text or corpus. This form of analysis
constitutes the main topic of this topic.
4) Finally, the Uses , Resources and Translations sections form what we call the
pragmaticanalysis* of an audiovisual text or segment thereof. In particular, this
− explicitizing the contexts for which an audiovisual text (or one or other of its
segments) seems to be appropriate;
− readying the video for a particular use (in the form of comments, references,
− adapting the video, linguistically speaking, to the language skills of a
particular target audience (this adaptation can be carried out either as a translation in
the conventional sense, or in the sense of a change in the register of
language/terminology, etc.; see [STO 07; STO 10a; SAC 11]).
In addition, at the beginning of his concrete work on an audiovisual text or
corpus, the analyst has to take an important decision, which is to specify the genreof
analysis he intends to carry out. Figure 2.6 shows the different types from which the
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