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1) A term denoting any audiovisual text which holds a cognitive and practical
value* for a given audience. An example of such a value* would be to satisfy one's
curiosity or need for information.
1) A term denoting any element belonging to the ASW metalanguage* and
which helps the knowledge engineer in implementing a domain ontology* , i.e.
models of description* which are appropriate to a domain of
knowledge/expertise* .
1) The schema of definition is a micro-configuration of conceptual terms*
(composed of at least one conceptual term) which, along with other conceptual
schemas, constitutes a sequence* of a model of description. The conceptual schema
enables us to create relations* (besides the purely taxonomical relations) between
two or more conceptual terms* . It forms part of the ASW metalanguage of
2) The ASW metalinguistic resources of description* notably comprise three
complementary types of conceptual schemas: a) the category of schemas which
define the objects of analysis* belonging to the universe of discourse* of an
archive; b) the category of schemas which define the procedures ( free* ,
controlled* , mixed, standard or simplified, etc.) of description of an analytical
object or topic* , its contextualization, discourse production, audiovisual expression,
etc.; c) the category of schemas which fix the referential value of a conceptual
term* in advance (for instance, if the referential domain of knowledge is limited to
Medieval French literature, the conceptual term [PERIOD] is fixed by the
expression <Medieval>, which is then interpreted as appropriate numerical values to
represent the chronological boundaries of that era).
1) The schema of indexing specifies what the analyst must do when choosing a
particular activity which is part of a procedure of analysis* . An activity and,
afortiori , a procedure of analysis may be made up of several schemas of indexing. It
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