Information Technology Reference
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2) The knowledge engineer (also called “concept designer”) is the role which
brings with it the delicate - and difficult - task of defining and creating the models
of description* of audiovisual corpora documenting a domain of
knowledge/expertise* . If necessary for the development of new models of
description*, his work (sometimes) requires making changes to the ASW
metalinguistic resources* in the form of local additions or the creation of
“user”resources (as opposed to the sharedresources ).
3) The knowledge engineer is supposed to be perfectly conversant with the
metalinguistic resources without which there could be no model of description* or
publishing model* , no interactive form* in the Description Workshop* and
PublishingWorkshop* .
4) However the knowledge engineer is also supposed to be familiar with the
techniques of conceptual analysis, description/modeling of knowledge as well as
approaches and disciplines such as cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence,
semiotics and linguistics in the broader sense. Finally he must be able to liaise, on
the one hand, with the people and teams responsible for the technical development
of the models of description and the publishing models, and on the other hand with
all the participants of a project of collection, analysis and publishing of audiovisual
corpora documenting a body of scientific or cultural heritage.
1) The universe of discourse* of an audiovisual archive, i.e. its subjects,
themes, discourses, strategies of audiovisual expression etc., can be explicitized
using a library of modelsofdescription* .
2) A library of library of models of description is made up, as a general rule, of a
set of specialized collections of such models. For instance, the library of models of
description of the CCA archives ( Culture CrossroadsArchives ) is currently made up
of collections of models which allow the analyst to describe audiovisual texts that
speak about civilizations, cultural constructs, tangible and intangible cultural
heritage, intercultural dynamics or, more specifically, world languages, world music,
world cuisine, etc.
3) A library of models of description is evolutive. Depending on the objectives
and the interests of the stakeholders in an archive, new collections may be formed,
pre-existing collections may be adapted or fixed (i.e. left in the state in which they
are at a given moment). Everything here hangs on the policy (scientific, cultural,
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