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experimental workshops of the ASW-HSS project - CCA*, ArkWork*, LHE*,
1) A term which denotes a semantic dimension or, to borrow an expression from
Greimas' structural semantics [GRE 66], a Classeme .
2) A facet defines the range of possible values of a conceptual term* or
configuration of conceptual terms .
1) The term “field” designates the phase in the working process* (of
audiovisual production-publication) which is dedicated to the collection of
audiovisual data documenting either a scientific event (conference, research seminar,
etc.), a cultural event (concert, exhibition, etc.) or another type of event (e.g.
political, social, etc.), or even a piece of “field” research per se (dedicated, for
example, to documenting a cultural patrimony, a social practice, etc.). The
“tangible” result of this stage is the field corpus.
2) As part of a program of production-distribution of knowledge heritage (such
as the ARA program* ), the stage which takes place in the field constitutes one of
the crucial moments (a “milestone”) in the working process (of audiovisual
1) One of the main roles in the workingprocess* characterizing the constitution,
processing/analysis and publication/diffusion of knowledge heritage. The field-work
producer identifies the person or persons in charge of preparing and carrying out a
fieldwork* and constituting the corpus* documenting that field work.
2) The role of the field work producer is divided into more specialized roles:
duties pertaining to the conception/definition of a field, tasks linked to carrying out a
field investigation, technical roles (e.g. a field work producer may act as a
cameraman, a sound recordist etc., who ensure the audiovisual recording of a field
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