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[STO 88] S TOCKINGER P., Frame representations of political knowledge and reasoning.
Folk representations of law and historical representations of nation, Online
support materials for a series of lectures at the University of Helsinki,, 1988.
[STO 89] S TOCKINGER P., “Schème canonique et standards conventionnels”, Semiotic Inquiry,
9/1-3, p. 119-135, 1989.
[STO 93] S TOCKINGER P., “Conceptual analysis, knowledge management and conceptual
graph theory”, LenguasModernas , no. 20, 1993.
[STO 94] S TOCKINGER P., “Textsemantische Probleme in der Konzeption und Entwicklung
von wissensbasierten Hypertexten. Ein Arbeitspapier”, Institut National des Langues et
p_stockinger/1994/HyperDeut.pdf, 1994.
[STO 99] S TOCKINGER P., Les nouveaux produits d'information. Conception et sémiotique du
document , Hermes, Paris, 1999.
[STO 01] S TOCKINGER P., Traitementetcontrôledel'information, Hermes, Paris, 2001.
[STO 03a] S TOCKINGER P., Ledocumentaudiovisuel, Hermes, Paris, 2003.
[STO 03b] S TOCKINGER P., Global culture, media culture and semiotic s , Online support
material for a lecture given as part of the International Summer School of Semiotics,
Imatra, Finland,
media.pdf, 2003.
[STO 03c] S TOCKINGER P. (ed.), Portails et collaboratoires pour la recherche et
l'enseignement , Hermes, Paris, 2003.
[STO 05a] S TOCKINGER P., Lessitesweb , Hermes, Paris, 2005.
[STO 05b] S TOCKINGER P., Semiotics of culture. Lectures on lifeworld and culture, Classes as
part of the European Master in Intercultural Communication (EMICC), Anglia
Polytechnic University, Cambridge, UK.
05_06/cambridge_06.html, 2005
[STO 07] S TOCKINGER P., “Des archives audiovisuelles monolingues sur un site multilingue”,
in: N OWICKI J., O USTINOFF M. (eds.), Traductions et Mondialisation , CNRS Editions
(Hermes. Cognition - Communication - Politique, 49), p. 69-77, 2007.
[STO 10a] S TOCKINGER P., “L'adaptation et la republication de ressources audiovisuelles
numériques”, in: O USTINOFF M., N OWICKI J., M ACHADO DA S ILVA J. (eds.), Traductions
et Mondialisation , vol. 2, CNRS Editions (Hermes. Cognition - Communication -
Politique, 56), Paris, p. 63-71, 2010.
[STO 10b] S TOCKINGER P., Semiotics of audiovisual discourse. A general framework for the
analysis of digital audiovisual documents, online class, Università della Svizzera Italiana
(USI) - Executive Masters in Intercultural Communication (MIC), 2010.
[STO 11a] S TOCKINGER P. (ed.), Introduction to Audiovisual Archives , ISTE Ltd, London and
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011.
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