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Throughout this topic, therefore, we have concentrated on the issue of analyzing
an audiovisual text or corpus . We briefly outlined the theoretical framework which
guides us, which determines our approach to the analysis of the (audiovisual) text.
We also attempted to identify different types of analysis such as, e.g.: thematic
analysis* , i.e. analysis of the content in the strictest sense of the term (the meaning,
the message, etc.) of an audiovisual text; audiovisual analysis* , i.e. analysis of the
forms of visual and/or acoustic expression in an audiovisual text; or indeed
pragmatic analysis* , i.e. analysis of the adaptation of an audiovisual text to a
particular use context.
Then, we attempted to define and develop a set of so-called metalinguistic
resources which we need to specify and develop the models of description* needed
for this-or-that type of analysis. Finally, focusing on the particular audiovisual
corpora making up an audiovisual archive, we elaborated specific libraries of models
of description, working on the hypothesis that every library of models describes,
more or less well, more or less incompletely (or partially, i.e. according to an
analyst's own point of view and interest) the universe of discourse* of a given
The conceptual organization underlying the approach put forward in this topic is
in fact fairly complex, and relies on a whole series of specific metalinguistic
resources: meta-lexicons of conceptual terms denoting the analytical objects in the
universe of discourse of an archive; a meta-lexicon denoting the analytical activities
for describing a particular object or configuration of objects; a library of schemas of
indexation; a library of generic building blocks for constructing models of
description; libraries of models of description; thesauruses; etc.
However, the tradition of research into the text, its analysis, interpretation and
“rewriting”, demonstrates that this is a complex issue which cannot be reduced to a
single question, devoid of interest and very well known, which is that of indexation
by keywords or delegated to the hypothetical revolutionary advanced procedure of
automatic indexation which should regulate something we believe to be far beyond
its range of capability. For example, human interest (curiosity, etc.) which precedes
every analysis, and the hermeneutic dimension is specific to every activity of textual
This said, we are also perfectly well aware of the limitations of our approach, at
least as it is presented in this topic. The two meta-lexicons which constitute the
“beating heart” of the ASW metalinguistic system are not yet stabilized, and it
remains problematic to use them to define and develop models of description
enabling us to analyze different universes of discourse than that which our research
has focused on. The library of sequences of analysis of discourse production is as
yet relatively poor - as is that of the sequences reserved for describing the verbal or
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