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and finally, the level of the collection of models of description and of the
library* stricto sensu of models defining the metalanguage of description* of the
universe of discourse* of a given audiovisual archive.
Every sequence forms a structural and functional object with its own internal
organization . Let us take a brief look at the example of the sequence Analysis
“ScientificresearchinHSS” (Figure 16.4).
Figure16.4. SyntagmaticdefinitionofthesequenceAnalysis“ScientificResearchinHSS”
As Figure 16.4 shows, a sequence can be deployed in several, more specialized
sub-sequences which occur in accordance with an explicit syntagmaticorder .
In our example, the syntagmatic relation is that of unilateral presupposition
which we have already encountered many times. This requires the analyst to first
indicate the context of the object or domain thematized in the audiovisual text. In
our case, it is a question of specifying the scientific disciplines spoken about in an
audiovisual text (see, in Figure 16.4, the sequence entitled Analysis of the theme
“Discipline” ). Once this part of the subject has been indicated, the analyst may, in a
second stage, specify certain points of the thematized object or domain. In our case,
the analyst is offered the chance to produce information - if available - about the
research activities, the domain(s) of research or indeed the theme(s) of research (see,
in Figure 16.4, the sequences entitled Analysis of the theme “Research activity”;
Analysisofthetheme“Researchdomain”;Analysisofthetheme“Researchtopic” ).
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