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This enables us to take account of topics dealing with questions which relate, for
example, to rural or urban life, to economic and political life, to personal and private
life, etc.
Figure13.8. Thetaxonomicdomainofobjectsofthesocialworld
The second taxonomic domain, represented by the term [Social organization]
(Figure 13.9) covers first the different types of social groupings (such as social
group, social movement , people (and ethnicity ), nation , community ( ethnic ,
religious , linguistic , etc.), clan or family . It also covers various types of
institutionalized organizations : institutions which run life in the different sectors of
activities of an actor (of a social group); “traditional”, communitarian and modern
institutions ; institutions which exert their influence on a delimited territory ;
institutions endowed with power (decision-making power, coercive power,
influence, etc.). Finally, a third type of analytical object is identified by the
conceptual term [(political) State] which refers to the various forms of political
organization of social life.
Figure13.9. Thetaxonomicdomainofobjectsofthesocialworldrepresented
The third taxonomic domain, which depends directly on the conceptual term
[Taxon of the domain “Social object”], is represented by the term [Social role]
(Figure 13.10). This conceptual term includes all the terms which enable us to
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