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world (Figure 11.14) in order to harvest linguistic data about this Samoyed language
and be able to communicate with all metalinguistic systems which use that glossary.
Figure11.14. CreationofabridgebetweentheASWstandardizedexpression“Nenets”
(Samoyedlanguages)anditscorrespondentinEthnologue,“LanguagesoftheWorld” 6
The ASW Modeling Workshop forms part of the ASW Studio (see Chapter 2 and
[STO 11a]). It is used, firstly, for developing and managing all the metalinguistic
resources for analyzing the ASW universe of discourse* we have briefly presented
in this chapter. This (crucial) function is reserved for the administrator, the person or
group of people responsible for the metalinguistic resources which are common and
open to all audiovisual archives.
Yet the ASW Modeling Workshop also serves to specify, develop and manage
libraries of descriptive models* for analyzing the universe of discourse* of a
particular audiovisual archive - e.g. that of the CCA, LHE and ArkWork archives 7
6 See:
7 See:
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