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this standardized vocabulary if a type of activities is not covered in the vocabulary
offered by the LOMFR.
Figure10.3. Theprocedureofcontrolleddescription,carriedoutusingaLOMFRthesaurus
Without wishing to go into greater detail here about the possibility of working
with one, two or several micro-thesauruses in a procedure of controlled description,
let us stress that this possibility offered to the analyst takes account of the fact that
every axis or dimension of the content (the meaning) of a conceptual term is
necessarily indexical in nature. In other words, generally, we have to take account of
the fact that the specificmeaning of a conceptual term (a configuration of conceptual
terms), its facet is formed (and stabilized) in relation to:
the specificity of the object to which the conceptual term (or configuration of
conceptual terms) in question refers;
the skill (or the culture , the knowledge ) and the expectations of the actors who
use the conceptual term (or configuration of conceptual terms);
and finally, the contexts in which the conceptual term or configuration of
conceptual terms will be used and employed.
This triple relation intrinsically characterizes the specific meaning of a
conceptual term or configuration thereof. It is largely responsible for the so-called
contextual variations of the meaning of a term (or configuration of conceptual
terms), i.e. the fact that the same conceptual term can be understood, interpreted and
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