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are discussed, the analyst simply ticks one, the other or both of those languages in
the list of languages making up the ASW micro-thesaurus of languages in
alphabetical order.
Figure10.2. Theprocedureofcontrolleddescriptioncarriedout
We use the term micro-thesaurus to denote the list (hierarchical or otherwise) of
standardized expressions (descriptors) which designate the values that a conceptual
term or configuration of conceptual terms can assume. In other words, the micro-
thesaurus is the set of expressions which interpret a facet , whereas a facet represents
an axis or dimension of the content (of the meaning , in the structuralist sense of the
term [GRE 66]) of a conceptualterm or a configurationofconceptualterms .
The content or meaning of a conceptual term can, of course, be interpreted by a
whole variety of facets. In turn, an expression (a “descriptor”) may belong to various
micro-thesauruses, and may interpret different facets of a conceptual term or
configuration of conceptual terms. We shall discuss this point in greater detail in
Chapter 15.
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