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in relation to the enunciator producing the contextualization. The enunciator may
either be the author of the audiovisual discourse being analyzed, the analyst himself ,
or even a third party - e.g. an expert or any other source of information used by the
analyst to further explicitize a minimal expression.
Figure9.6. Extractfromthestandardformguidingtheanalystincarrying
However, this is a question of categorizing the contextualization of a free
minimal expression , and therefore of a metalinguistic expression belonging to the
analyst'smetadiscourse ! We must be very careful to distinguish between the task of
analyzing the discourse production around a theme or topic in an audiovisual text
which forms the object of the analysis, and the metalinguistic attempt to render a
“minimal” description of the content of an audiovisual text more expressive,
explicitly structured and - therefore - “richer”.
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