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Figure9.3. Standardformforcarryingouttheactivity[Minimaldesignation],theonly
The standard form associated with the activity [Minimal designation] offers the
analyst a number of other options which he can use, if he wishes, to enrich and
render more detailed the results of his activity of designation of a conceptual term or
configuration of conceptual terms.
As Figure 9.3 shows, the analyst can add explanatory notes to reinforce the
meaning of the minimal expression, he can enter synonyms for the minimal
expression and he can also produce one or more variantsoftheminimalexpression .
Finally, the analyst is also invited to use a list of linguistic categories to identify
the linguistic nature of the minimal expression (or its variant). This is a particularly
useful option for distinguishing between the minimal expressions belonging to the
category [Proper noun] and those belonging to the category [Common noun]. At the
same time, systematic use of the list of linguistic categories by the analysts of
audiovisual corpora can facilitate later terminological exploitations based on (semi)-
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