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Figure6.8. Identificationandtemporallocationofahistoricalera(secondpart)
Let us return to our example from Figures 6.7 and 6.8. Once the analyst has
filled in the first sub-sequence (Figure 6.7), i.e. has specified that his knowledge
object (in this particular case, the Evolution of West Semitic languages ) is situated in
the historical period of the last millennium B.C., he can then carry out a
chronological location per se (see Figure 6.8): in the ASW micro-thesaurus which
offers an (open-ended) list of centuries, the analyst can select the century or
centuries which are relevant to pinpoint “his” era.
Thus, in our case, he will be able to select all the centuries between the
12 th Century B.C. and the 1st Century A.D., but he may also select only those
centuries which are relevant for his subject and/or which are actually cited in the
audiovisual text being analyzed.
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