Agriculture Reference
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Rochfort S, Panozzo J. Phytochemicals for health, the role of pulses. J Agric
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Swiatecka D, Kostyra H, Swiatecki A. Impact of glycated pea proteins on the
activity of free-swimming and immobilised bacteria. J Sci Food Agric.
Trinidad TP, Mallillin AC, Loyola AS, Sagum RS, Encabo RR. The potential
health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. Br J Nutr.
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van Breda SG, van Agen E, van Sanden S, Burzykowski T, Kienhuis AS,
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involved in anticarcinogenic processes in the colonic mucosa of C57BL/6
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van Breda SG, van Agen E, van Sanden S, Burzykowski T, Kleinjans JC, Delft
JH. Vegetables affect the expression of genes involved in carcinogenic
and anticarcinogenic processes in the lungs of female C57BL/6 mice. J
Nutr. 2005a;135(11):2546-52.
Wang HX, Ng TB. An antifungal protein from the pea Pisum sativum var.
arvense poir. Peptides. 2006;27(7):1732-7.
Wilson RD, Davies G, Désilets V, Reid GJ, Summers A, Wyatt P, Young D;
Genetics Committee and Executive and Council of the Society of
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prevention of neural tube defects and other congenital anomalies. J Obstet
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Ye X, Ng TB. Isolation of lectin and albumin from Pisum sativum var.
macrocarpon ser. cv. sugar snap. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2001;33(1):95-
Ye XY, Ng TB. Isolation of pisumin, a novel antifungal protein from legumes
of the sugar snap pea Pisum sativum var macrocarpon. Comp Biochem
Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2003;134(2):235-40.
Ye XY, Wang HX, Ng TB. Sativin: a novel antifungal miraculin-like protein
isolated from legumes of the sugar snap Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon.
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