Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 17.4 Reference
diagrams for tide-dominated
and tide-infl uenced
environments and sub-
environments used
throughout the text section
'Criteria for recognizing tidal
deposits in the Western
Interior succession'
(Compiled from Dalrymple
and Choi 2007 , and from
Reinson 1992 )
originate from slack water during a single tidal cycle, but
more commonly from intervals of spring tides, or spring
tides enhanced by river fl oods, when stronger currents
carry much mud in suspension, or from longer-term
seasonal causes. In cases where the mudstone beds
on the tide-dominated delta front are unlaminated
and unbioturbated, and are more than a cm thick, they
are likely to represent rapidly deposited fl uid muds
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