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facies with locally well-developed tidal rhythmites in
which multiple orders of Pennsylvanian tidal cyclicity
were preserved.
Archer AW (2008) Cyclic sedimentation (cyclothem). In:
Gornitz V (ed) Encyclopedia of paleoclimatology and
ancient environments. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 226-228
Archer HR, Feldman AW, Archer AW, Feldman HR (1995a)
Incised valleys and estuarine facies of the Douglas Group
(Virgilian): implications for similar Pennsylvanian sequences
in the U.S. Mid-Continent. In: Hyne N (ed) Sequence stratig-
raphy of the mid-Continent. Tulsa Geological Society, Tulsa,
pp 119-140
Archer AW, Greb SF (1995) An Amazon-scale drainage in the
early Pennsylvanian of Central North America. J Geol
Archer AW, Kvale EP (1993) Origin of gray-shale lithofacies
(“clastic wedges”) in U.S. midcontinental coal measures
(Pennsylvanian): an alternative explanation. In: Cobb JC,
Cecil B (eds) Modern and ancient coal-forming environ-
ments, Geological Society of America, special paper 286.
Geological Society of America, Boulder, pp 181-192
Archer AW, Maples CG (1984) Pennsylvanian nonmarine trace-
fossil assemblages: southwestern Indiana. J Paleontol
Archer AW, Lanier WP, Feldman HR (1994) Stratigraphy and
depositional history within incised-paleovalley and related
facies, Douglas Group (Missourian/Virgilian; Upper
Carboniferous) of Kansas, U.S.A. In: Dalrymple RW et al (eds)
Incised-valley systems: origin and sedimentary sequences,
SEPM Special Publication 51. SEPM, Tulsa, pp 176-190
Archer AW, Kuecher GJ, Kvale EP (1995b) The role of tidal-
velocity asymmetries in the deposition of silty tidal
rhythmites (Carboniferous, Eastern Interior Coal Basin).
J Sediment Res A65:408-416
Bass NW (1934) Origin of Bartlesville shoestring sands,
Greenwood and Butler Counties, Kansas. AAPG Bull
Bass NW (1936) Origin of the shoestring sands of Greenwood
and Butler Counties, Kansas. State Geol Surv Kansas Univ
Bull 23:135 p
Dalrymple RW, Makino Y (1989) Description and genesis of tidal
bedding in the Cobequid Bay-Salmon River estuary, Bay of
Fundy, Canada. In: Taira A, Masuda F (eds) Sedimentary facies
of the active plate margin. Terra Publishing, Tokyo, pp 151-177
De Boer PL, Oost AP, Visser JJ (1989) The diurnal inequality of
the tide as a parameter for recognizing tidal influences.
J Sediment Petrol 59:912-921
Feldman HR, Gibling MR, Archer AW, Wightman WG, Lanier
WP (1995) Stratigraphic architecture of the Tonganoxie
paleovalley fill (Lower Virgilian) in northeastern Kansas.
AAPG Bull 79:1019-1043
Gluskoter HJ, Hopkins ME (1970) Distribution of sulfur in
Illinois coals. In: Smith WH et al (eds) Depositional environ-
ments in parts of the Carbondale formation - Western and
northern Illinois, Illinois Geological Survey Guidebook
Series 8. Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, pp 89-95
Greb SF, Archer AW (1995) Rhythmic sedimentation in a mixed
tide and wave deposit, eastern Kentucky, U.S.A. J Sediment
Res B65:96-106
Greb SF, Archer AW (1998) Annual sedimentation cycles in
rhythmites of Carboniferous tidal channels. In: Tidalities:
processes and products, SEPM Special Publication 61.
SEPM, Tulsa, pp 75-83
Vertically accreted rhythmites, in which small-scale
tidal cycles are preserved, are common in the
Pennsylvanian Period coal basins of the central U.S.
Repetitive cycles of textural banding or cyclic rhyth-
mites are preserved in tidal and estuarine channel facies,
heterolithic tidal-flat facies, and gray-shale wedge facies
along major paleochannels. Laminae bundling within
these facies preserves several orders or frequencies of
tidal periodicity, including semi- and diurnal flood and
ebb of the tides, diurnal inequality of the tidal system,
synodic tidal periods, and apogean-perigean effects.
At a somewhat large scale, annual cycles also appear
to be common.
A unique combination of concurrent processes may
have resulted in the widespread deposition and preser-
vation of tidal facies. These factors include: (1) rapid,
high-magnitude changes in global paleosealevel,
(2), occurrence of strongly resonant depositional
embayments within the sedimentary basins (3) conver-
sion of large tropical Pangean rivers into landward-
funneling estuaries during glacial meltdown and
subsequent sealevel rise.
On a more local scale, rhythmite preservation could be
related to rapid generation of accommodation space by:
(1) peat compaction, (2) basinal faulting and subsidence,
and (3) avulsion of tidal and fluvial channels. These were
likely common in both basins during the Pennsylvanian.
Anderson KH, Wells JS (1968) Forest city Basin of Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. Am Assoc Pet Geol Bull
Archer AW (1996a) Reliability of lunar orbital periods extracted
from ancient cyclic tidal rhythmites. Earth Planet Sci Lett
Archer AW (1996b) Panthalassa: paleotidal resonance and a
global paleocean seiche. Paleoceanography 11:625-632
Archer AW (2004) Recurring assemblages of biogenic and
physical sedimentary structures in modern and ancient
extreme macrotidal estuaries. J Coast Res 43:4-22
Archer AW (2005) Review of Amazonian depositional systems.
Spec Publ Int Assoc Sediment 35:17-39
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