Geology Reference
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Following the recent research advances in open-
coast tidal flats, the classification of clastic coastal
environments should be changed to account for this
new knowledge. New efforts should undoubtedly be
steered to build new facies models for newly proposed
subdivisions and to clarify the inter-relationships
among any two transitional facies. Open-coast tidal
flats are shaped by the interactions of tides and waves
instead of their separate action, so the modulation of
waves by tide should be stressed in the roles of sedi-
ment dynamics and morphodynamics. A renaissance is
highly expected using integrative available data on
both descriptive and quantitative features for ancient
tidal facies interpretation after the three decades of
research on tidal cycles. Muddy coasts adjacent to river
deltas are undergoing great impacts (e.g., coastal ero-
sion, wetland degradation) from human activities and
global change, so modern environmental issues should
be included and studied in the geological and sedimen-
tologic aspects.
Archer AW, Hubbard MS (2003) Highest tides of the world. In:
Chan MA, Archer AW (eds) Extreme depositional environ-
ments: mega and members in geologic time, Geological
Society of America Special Publication 370. Geological
Society of America, Boulder, pp 151-173
Augustinus PGEF (2004) The influence of trade winds on the
coastal development of the Guianas at various scale levels.
Mar Geol 209:145-151
Baker EK, Harris PT, Keene JB et al (1995) Patterns of sedimen-
tation in the macrotidal Fly River delta, Papua New Guinea.
In: Flemming BW, Bartholoma A (eds) Tidal signatures in
modern and ancient sediments, International Association of
Sedimentology Special Publication 24. Elsevier, New York,
pp 193-211
Baltzer F, Allison M, Fromard F (2004) Material exchange
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with special reference to the Amazon-Guianas coast. Mar
Geol 208:115-126
Boersma JR, Terwindt JHJ (1981) Neap-spring tide sequences
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Assoc Geol Soc 9:237-260
Chang JH, Choi JY (2001) Tidal-flat sequence controlled by
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Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 52:391-399
Chaudhuri A, Howard JD (1985) Ramgundam Sandstone: a
Middle Proterozoic shoal-bar sequence. J Sediment Pet
Christie MC, Dyer KR, Turner P (1999) Sediment flux and bed
level measurements from a macro tidal mudflat. Estuar Coast
Shelf Sci 49:667-688
Coughenour CL, Archer AW, Lacovara KJ (2009) Tides,
tidalites, and secular changes in the Earth-Moon system.
Earth Sci Rev 97:59-79
Dalrymple RW (1992) Tidal depositional systems. In: Walker
RG, James NP (eds) Facies models: response to sea level
change, 2nd edn. Geological Association of Canada, St.
John's, pp 195-218
Dalrymple RW (2010) Tidal depositional systems. In: James NP,
Dalrymple RW (eds) Facies models 4, 2nd edn. Geological
Association of Canada, St. John's, pp 195-218
Dalrymple RW, Makino Y, Zaitlin BA (1991) Temporal and spa-
tial patterns of rhythmite deposition on mud flats in the mac-
rotidal Cobequid Bay-Salmon River estuary, Bay of Fundy,
Canada. In: Smith DG, Reinson GE, Zaitlin BA et al (eds)
Clastic tidal sedimentology, Canadian Society of Petroleum
Geologists Memoir 16. Canadian Society of Petroleum
Geologists, Calgary, pp 137-160
Dalrymple RW, Baker EK, Harris PT et al (2003) Sedimentology
and stratigraphy of a tide-dominated, foreland-basin delta
(Fly River, Papua New Guinea). In: Sidi FH, Nummedal D,
Imbert P et al (eds) Tropical deltas of southeast Asia-
sedimentology, stratigraphy, and petroleum geology, SEPM
Special Publication 76. SEPM, Tulsa, pp 147-173
Alexander CR, Nittrouer CA, DeMaster DJ et al (1991)
Macrotidal mudflats of west Korea: a model for interpreta-
tion of intertidal deposits. J Sediment Pet 61:805-824
Allen JRL, Duffy MJ (1998) Temporal and spatial depositional
patterns in the Severn Estuary, SW Britain: intertidal studies
at spring-neap and seasonal scales, 1991-1993. Mar Geol
Allison MA, Lee MT (2004) Sediment exchange between
Amazon mudbanks and shore-fringing mangroves in French
Guiana. Mar Geol 208:169-190
Allison MA, Nittrouer CA, Faria LEC (1995a) Shoreline mor-
phology downdrift of the Amazon river mouth. Mar Geol
Allison MA, Nittrouer CA, Kineke GC (1995b) Seasonal sedi-
ment storage on mudflats adjacent to the Amazon River. Mar
Geol 125:303-328
Allison MA, Lee MT, Ogston AS (2000) Origin of mud banks
along the northeast coast of South America. Mar Geol
Amos C (1995) Siliclastic tidal flats. In: Perillo GME (ed)
Geomorphology and sedimentology of estuaries,
Advancement in Sedimentology 53. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
pp 273-306
Anderson FE, Black L, Watling LE et al (1981) A temporal and
spatial study of mudflat erosion and deposition. J Sediment
Pet 51:729-736
Archer AW (1998) Hierarchy of controls on cyclic rhythmite
deposition: Carboniferous basins of eastern and mid-conti-
nental, U.S.A. In: Alexander CR, Davis RA Jr, Henry VJ
(eds) Tidalites: processes and products, SEPM Special
Publications 61. SEPM, Tulsa, pp 59-68
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