Geology Reference
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states: active transgression, during which all shorelines
within the estuary experience net erosion as a result of
wave action in the outer part, and channel-bank scour
in the inner reaches, as the estuarine funnel translates
landward; and progradational filling when the rate of
sediment input from fluvial and marine sources exceeds
the rate of creation of accommodation as a result of
sea-level rise. The transition between these two states
begins in the inner part of the estuary and migrates sea-
ward as filling progresses; many modern estuaries are
part way through this transition, and show continued
erosion in their outer part, while their inner margins
prograde. Any human activity that alters the sediment
supply (e.g. the building of dams in inland areas, or
breakwaters and training walls at the estuary mouth),
the propagation of the tidal wave (e.g. dredging, the
construction of impermeable causeways), or the space
available for sediment accumulation (e.g. marsh recla-
mation) has predictable consequences when viewed in
this general context.
Although much has been learned in recent years
about the stratigraphy of the deposits of tide-dominated
estuaries (see Chap. 6), much less is known about the
detailed nature of the facies within them. The discov-
ery that fluid mud is a common occurrence within the
channels beneath the turbidity maximum has been a
significant addition to the criteria for interpreting estu-
arine (and deltaic) deposits, but much remains to be
done to refine our ability to determine where in the
fluvial-marine transition a given deposit in an ancient
succession might have formed.
Allen JRL, Duffy MJ (1998) Temporal and spatial depositional
patterns in the Severn estuary, southwestern Britain: inter-
tidal studies at spring-neap and seasonal scales, 1991-1993.
Mar Geol 141:147-171
Ashley GM (1990) Classification of large-scale subaqueous
bedforms: a new look at an old problem. J Sediment Petol
Ayles CP, Lapointe DMF (1996) Downvalley gradients in flow
patterns, sediment transport and channel morphology in a
small macrotidal estuary: Dipper Harbour Creek, New
Brunswick, Canada. Earth Surf Proc Land 21:829-842
Barwis JH (1978) Sedimentology of some South Carolina tidal-
creek point bars, and a comparison with their fluvial counter-
parts. In: Miall AD (ed) Fluvial sedimentology. Can Soc
Petrol Geol Mem 5:129-160
Berné S, Castaing P, Le Drezen E, Lericolais G (1993)
Morphology, internal structure, and reversal of asymmetry of
large subtidal dunes in the entrance to the Gironde estuary
(France). J Sediment Petrol 63:780-793
Billeaud I, Tessier B, Lesueur P, Caline B (2007) Preservation
potential of highstand coastal sedimentary bodies in a mac-
rotidal basin: example from the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel,
NW France. Sediment Geol 202:754-775
Bostock HC, Brooke BP, Ryan DA, Hancock G, Pietsch T, Packett
R, Harle K (2007) Holocene and modern sediment storage in
the subtropical macrotidal Fitzroy River estuary, Southeast
Queensland, Australia. Sediment Geol 201:321-340
Burningham H (2008) Contrasting geomorphic response to
structural control: the Loughros Estuaries, northwest Ireland.
Geomorphology 97:300-320
Castaing P, Allen GP (1981) Mechanisms controlling seaward
escape of suspended sediment from the Gironde: a mac-
rotidal estuary in France. Mar Geol 40:101-118
Catuneanu O (2006) Principles of sequence stratigraphy.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 375 p
Chaumillon E, Weber N (2006) Spatial variability of modern
incised valleys on the French Atlantic coast: comparison
between the Charente and the Lay-Sèvre incised valleys. In:
Dalrymple RW, Leckie DA, Tillman RW (eds) Incised val-
leys in time and space. SEPM special publications 85.
Society for Sedimentary Geology, Tulsa, pp 57-85
Choi KS (2010) Rhythmic climbing-ripple cross-lamination in
inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) of a macrotidal estu-
arine channel, Gomso Bay, west coast of Korea. Jour Sed
Res 80:550-561
Cooper NJ, Cooper T, Burd F (2001) 25 years of salt marsh ero-
sion in Essex: Implications for coastal defence and nature
conservation. J Coast Conserv 7:31-40
Dalrymple RW (1984) Morphology and internal structure of
sandwaves in the Bay of Fundy. Sedimentology 3:365-382
Dalrymple RW (2006) Incised valleys in space and time: an
introduction to the volume and an examination of the con-
trols on valley formation and filling. In: Dalrymple RW,
Leckie DA, Tillman RW (eds) Incised valleys in space and
time. SEPM special publications 85. Society for Sedimentary
Geology, Tulsa, pp 5-12
Dalrymple RW (2010a) Introduction to siliciclastic facies mod-
els. In: James NP, Dalrymple RW (eds) Facies models 4.
Geological Association of Canada, St. John's, pp 59-72
Dalrymple RW (2010b) Tidal depositional systems. In: James
NP, Dalrymple RW (eds) Facies models 4. Geological
Association of Canada, St. John's, pp 199-208
Allard J, Chaumillon E, Féniès H (2009) A synthesis of morpho-
logical evolutions and Holocene stratigraphy of a wave-dom-
inated estuary: the Arcachon lagoon, SW France. Cont Shelf
Res 29:957-969
Allen GP (1973) Suspended sediment transport and deposition
in the Gironde estuary and adjacent shelf. Memoire, Institute
Geologique du Bassin d'Aquitaine 7:27-36
Allen GP (1991) Sedimentary processes and facies in the
Gironde estuary: a recent model for macrotidal estuarine sys-
tems. In: Smith DG, Reinson GE, Zaitlin BA, Rahmani RA
(eds) Clastic tidal sedimentology. Can Soc Petrol Geol Mem
Allen GP, Salomon JC, Bassoulet P, Du Penhoat Y, De Grandpré
C (1980) Effects of tides on mixing and suspended sediment
transport in macrotidal estuaries. Sediment Geol 26:69-90
Allen JRL (1990) The Severn estuary in southwest Britain: its
retreat under marine transgression and fine-sediment regime.
Sediment Geol 66:13-28
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