Hardware Reference
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There are RAW data hazards from the second L.D to MUL.D , ADD.D , and SUB.D , from
MUL.D to DIV.D , and from SUB.D to ADD.D . There is a WAR data hazard between DIV.D
and ADD.D and SUB.D . Finally, there is a structural hazard on the add functional
unit for ADD.D and SUB.D . What the tables look like when MUL.D and DIV.D are ready
to write their results is shown in Figures C.56 and C.57 , respectively.
FIGURE C.56 Scoreboard tables just before the MUL.D goes to write result .
The DIV.D has not yet read either of its operands, since it has a dependence on
the result of the multiply. The ADD.D has read its operands and is in execution,
although it was forced to wait until the SUB.D finished to get the functional unit.
ADD.D cannot proceed to write result because of the WAR hazard on F6, which
is used by the DIV.D . The Q fields are only relevant when a functional unit is
waiting for another unit.
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