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FIGURE 1.16 SPEC2006 programs and the evolution of the SPEC benchmarks over
time, with integer programs above the line and floating-point programs below the line .
Of the 12 SPEC2006 integer programs, 9 are written in C, and the rest in C++. For the
floating-point programs, the split is 6 in Fortran, 4 in C++, 3 in C, and 4 in mixed C and For-
tran. The figure shows all 70 of the programs in the 1989, 1992, 1995, 2000, and 2006 re-
leases. The benchmark descriptions on the left are for SPEC2006 only and do not apply to
earlier versions. Programs in the same row from different generations of SPEC are generally
not related; for example, fpppp is not a CFD code like bwaves. Gcc is the senior citizen of the
group. Only 3 integer programs and 3 floating-point programs survived three or more genera-
tions. Note that all the floating-point programs are new for SPEC2006. Although a few are car-
ried over from generation to generation, the version of the program changes and either the in-
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