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where hit time is the time to hit in the cache; we have seen the other two terms before.
The components of average access time can be measured either in absolute time—say, 0.25 to
1.0 nanoseconds on a hit—or in the number of clock cycles that the processor waits for the
memory—such as a miss penalty of 150 to 200 clock cycles. Remember that average memory
access time is still an indirect measure of performance; although it is a beter measure than
miss rate, it is not a substitute for execution time.
This formula can help us decide between split caches and a unified cache.
Which has the lower miss rate: a 16 KB instruction cache with a 16 KB data cache
or a 32 KB unified cache? Use the miss rates in Figure B.6 to help calculate the
correct answer, assuming 36% of the instructions are data transfer instructions.
Assume a hit takes 1 clock cycle and the miss penalty is 100 clock cycles. A load
or store hit takes 1 extra clock cycle on a unified cache if there is only one cache
port to satisfy two simultaneous requests. Using the pipelining terminology of
Chapter 3 , the unified cache leads to a structural hazard. What is the average
memory access time in each case? Assume write-through caches with a write
buffer and ignore stalls due to the write buffer.
First let's convert misses per 1000 instructions into miss rates. Solving the gen-
eral formula from above, the miss rate is
Since every instruction access has exactly one memory access to fetch the in-
struction, the instruction miss rate is
Since 36% of the instructions are data transfers, the data miss rate is
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