Hardware Reference
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0.230 of PUE overhead, 85% goes to cooling losses (0.195 PUE) and 15% (0.035) goes to power
losses. The system went live in November 2005, and this section describes its state as of 2007.
A Google container can handle up to 250 kilowats. That means the container can handle
780 wats per square foot (0.09 square meters), or 133 wats per square foot across the entire
75,000-square-foot space with 40 containers. However, the containers in this WSC average just
222 kilowats
Figure 6.19 is a cutaway drawing of a Google container. A container holds up to 1160 serv-
ers, so 45 containers have space for 52,200 servers. (This WSC has about 40,000 servers.) The
servers are stacked 20 high in racks that form two long rows of 29 racks (also called bays ) each,
with one row on each side of the container. The rack switches are 48-port, 1 Gbit/sec Ethernet
switches, which are placed in every other rack.
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